Category Archives: books

SBC: Days 23, 24, 25

Gotta get caught up since September is almost over!  Where has the month gone??

23) Things you want to learn how to do

I could make a huge list that is only yoga-related.  For the most part, the asanas that I want to “learn” how to do really just require building more strength and flexibility.  A lot of the inversion/arm balance ones are about allowing my shoulder (that I injured years ago and continues to flare up) to heal and regain mobility.  On the wish list though? Forearm stand/scorpion, handstand and fallen angel.  One day.

I want to learn to knit cables:

Also, I want to learn a bit more about this whole wordpress thing, how to actually create cool blog layouts and all that good stuff.

24) Favourite form of exercise and why

It probably goes without saying at this point that I loooove yoga.  I love the super chill yin that I wouldn’t precisely count as exercise and I love the hot sweaty power classes that totally count as exercise.  Everything about yoga makes me feel good.  And it’s given me better muscle tone than the gym ever did.  However….

I do love the gym.  I like doing huge bodyweight/dumbbell/cardio circuits.  They get my heart rate up and you can get in a really challenging workout in pretty short order.

And I have a love/hate relationship with running.  There aren’t too many things that feel better than a really solid run.  I love clocking times and miles and PRs, the endorphin rush you get afterwards, being outside (don’t get me started on the treadmill)….I could go on forever.  My poor body says a big N-O a lot of the time though.  Half marathon training has been totally put aside.  More on that another day.

25) What you’re reading right now

Working my way through The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte.  I love it, and I can’t wait to read The Fire Starter Sessions next.

I usually like to have a fiction and a non-fiction going at the same time, and I just finished Gone Girl and don’t have anything else lined up at the moment.  Any good recommendations?